Sunday, May 14, 2006

What Serena did

Serena is a person I work with. Most of time she is heard and not seen. Yes, hardly conventional. But you see Serena is surrounded, most of time, with three men, and as all men are, they sometimes dip themselves into boyhood now and again. Hence you hear Serena, trying desperately to knock some sense into them, using the mangkuk method.

Serena is heard also when there is no sound. She pops you on MSN Messenger. She's one of those people who actually know how to work that thing properly. She has a whole file of icon thingys that dance and move and stuff (she has this one particular one that scolds you and then gets a rotan that threatens to spank you). So, Serena can be "heard" electronically.

Then there is Serena's phone. It sings. I'm so lonely. Hence, Serena is heard again. (Though she is hardly lonely, considering the myriad of people she talks to on a daily basis).

Why is having Serena heard so important? Well, its important to this space. You see when I created this thing I didn't know a blog from a fog. I got is straightened out (barely). Then, I faced the toughest decision - naming my blog. It's like naming your child. I knew it would have Gypsy in it, but it needed something else.

Frustated after hours of head cracking, I poured out my frustation to Serena over a glass of warm water and omelette (don't ask). I listed the long list of words - some I couldn't even spell... and just like that she said it. Tales. She said Tales.

I was dumbfounded. That was it. Tales. So simply perfect. I had ants in my pants. Desperate to get back to my PC, to write those five alphabets down. T A L E S.

And this is what I learnt - inspiration, path finding, name giving - can all be found at the unlikeliest of times with the unlikeliest of food on the table :)

So, officially (as officially as blogs get that is), I say my thanks to Serena, for giving my Gypsy, her tales.

And if you're wondering why it's "Gypsy", well, that is a tale for another time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did not DO anything! lies,lies,lies i tell u...i did not have any eggs....i feign accute amnesia....u shall be hearing from my =)


Sunday, May 14, 2006 5:04:00 pm  

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