Monday, May 15, 2006

I was in the shower this afternoon, thinking quite intently about a book I finished last night. Nevermind what it's called. It's one of those books you pick up just to fill the space - I call it my filler book. You know, the book between "real" books. Anyways, these FBs are usually fun only for the hours you read them and not a minute more. But this one book caught me unawares.

It's supposed to be a romance novel (yes you caught me. No it's not Mills and Boons), but despite all the innuandos and stolen kisses, what got me was the story line! (Trust me, if you know me at all, you'd know this rarely happens - kisses are my forte!). Anyways, back to my tale, the novel was based on Peter Pan. You know Neverland? (Not the Jacko kind). The novel suggests that Wendy Darling was real and so was Peter Pan and the Lost Boys and all that.

Now, I am sucker for the mysteries of the stars. I love fairies. I love Tinkerbell. But the funny thing is I have never read Peter Pan. Everything I know is second hand - cartoons and the movie Hook! And I'm wondering how in the world that is possible. I've read Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood, Rose and Something... well you get my drift - But never Peter Pan! Why??? Can it be the damsel in distress thing? (there wasn't any in Three Little Pigs unless you count pigs as damsels... or maybe they are hamsels.. ok ok i digress). Why didn't I read Peter Pan?

I actually don't have an answer la - just throwing the question into the cosmos!

Apparently, in Peter Pan (the book - minus Robin Williams and Julia Roberts), if you say you don't believe in fairies - the fairies die! They do! Plop plop plop they go. (I told a friend this and immediately she said NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and the fairies fell - plop plop plop plop!)
Well, mean friends apart, I still can't say that I don't believe in fairies. Well not because I do - but because they'll die! Ok I just contradicted myself didn't I?

Fairies! How to not believe? They're magic! They're small, yet they have such wonderful qualities like hope and pixie dust (fairy dust) and wishes!

I remember this book when I was young, it was called The Questions Children Ask. I think my parents got me that book in the attempt to shut me up. Anyways, one of the question children ask (apparently) is "Are fairies real?". The book went on to explain the sighting of fairies by two children in 19-something-or-the-other. They were known as the Cottingley Fairies. Reading that as a child i believed them. Re-reading it as an adult I find it difficult to say I don't believe, though it has apparently been "proven" that these fairies are a hoax. (You can see pictures of them online).

I honestly wonder at my self sometimes. As an adult that has been through so many life experiences that should have made me cautious, grounded, sane and may be even jaded, I find myself in awe of fairies and elves and gnomes and trolls and wat not! Am sure some of this has to do with the fact that I grew up with Enid Blython and her lot of mystical creatures. I grew up dreaming that there had to be more to this entire world that what could be seen. There just had to be little magical creatures up to mischief. There just had to be! Even if I didn't lay at night with my window open waiting for Peter Pan to take me to Neverland (though I might have if i had read that damn book!), I still did think that the toys came out to play at night once I was asleep, that the tooth fairy was upset I kept my milk teeth in a box, that the Secret Garden really did have healing qualities. It's just so wonderfully uplifting believing that there is magic out there in this big baddd world. Oh well, maybe I'm just crazy.


It's a nice looking word isn't it. Well, I may be alone in my belief, I may not have any concrete proof, but i can feel something magical in the air. Smells like pixie dust ;)

Adios. Those who know me may blame tonight's posting on my fever. But hell - if I was fever free, I'd have started on Harry Potter!!!! Oh how I love Harry - So thank your lucky stars (second star to the right ;) that I have a temperature.


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